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These quick tips are designed to help you get through these hard times. If you have any tips that you want to share, send them to in a new tab)

In times of crisis, retreat is often our first instinct. When it comes to COVID-19 and tourism marketing; however, we would like to propose an alternative plan. Yes, the economy has slowed and people are not traveling the way they were a few short months ago. That does not mean that they aren’t thinking about travel. Your brand should be there thinking about it with them in a way that is empathetic, flexible, imaginative, and intersectional.

Now is a time when you need to be both standing with your clientele in their immediate reality and forming long term plans for when the economy reopens. Thus, now is NOT the time to be slimming down or underemphasizing your marketing department. They have a lot of work to do! Investing in marketing, even while things are slow, will pay off in the long term. When people are packing their bags and heading out of their houses once again, your destination and company should be first on their list. Below you will find some quick tips to target the intersection of both short and long term marketing that our modern world requires.


Make sure that your messaging is relevant to the world today. Shift your marketing campaign away from come here now, to daydream about here for the future. In such a unique moment in human history, you don’t want to appear tone-deaf to what is happening in the world. Make sure you are empathizing with your clients’ situations and writing marketing that fits in with that context.

Act Fast

We like to plan marketing campaigns over a matter of months, making sure that every detail has been taken into account before launch. In the world of COVID-19, this is simply not possible. What people want right now is direction, leadership, and someone who can give them answers. If your brand is able to do this, even to a small degree, it will benefit. Marketing departments need to be committed to doing their research and reacting to the situation in real-time.

Be Real

In the modern context, people want to connect with other people that they can relate to. They want to hear human stories and emotions that are both similar to and different from their own. They don’t want to be marketed to by some large corporation. If you are able to speak honestly with your customers about how the pandemic has affected your business and your staff, you will cut through the noise. Tell your story. Don’t shy away from your fears and hopes for the future. We are all remerging into a new normal. The world is not the same today as it was at the beginning of 2020. Embrace your feelings and communicate them honestly!

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